Moles – Causes, Warning Signs and Prevention

By The Captain July 3, 2020



According to Dr. Antonio Costanzo, Head of the Dermatology Unit at the Humanitas Clinical Institute, “who has many moles (snow is the scientific term) should be checked every, especially if he has clear skin and if he is familiar with skin tumors”.

Here’s what you can do to protect your skin and limit the development of moles and related complications such as melanoma.

Be on the lookout for any changes. Examine yourself head-to-toe once a month to make sure everything is alright. If you are in one of the risk categories above, opt for a professional skin exam on a regular basis.

Avoid peak sun times. In North America, the sun shines the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so avoid outdoor activities during this interval.

Use sunscreen all the time. Even if it’s cloudy, the UV rays can still affect your skin. Therefore, you should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. If you’re at the beach, you should apply sunscreen every two hours, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. If it’s water-resistant, even better. Here are some recommendations in terms of your summer skincare routine and products to use at the beach.

Stay away from tanning lamps and beds. Tanning lamps and beds can emit higher amounts of ultraviolet radiation than the sun, including both UVA and UVB radiation which can increase your risk of skin cancer.


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