10 Things Every Diabetic Should Know About COVID-19

By The Captain March 15, 2021

10 Things Every Diabetic Should Know About COVID-19 1

How can you avoid getting COVID-19 as a diabetic?

Depending on your condition, you might usually need to visit a doctor or go to the pharmacy more often than healthy individual.

Luckily, though, most clinics and doctors are now available for scheduled virtual sessions, with most specialists being able to send prescriptions via email or other online form of communication.

More and more pharmacies are also now offering the possibility of ordering medication so you don’t have to leave home; however, this feature depends on the type of medication you need, so make sure to call and ask for details before placing an order.

Aside from that, all you can do is to continue taking all precaution measures recommended by the CDC and the WHO. You probably already know the importance of hand washing or using sanitizers, but do you really know which deliveries must be treated with extra caution?

Our posts below reveal a few measures of precaution against COVID-19 you might not be aware of yet:


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