Warning: THIS Happens If You Miss Your Second COVID-19 Shot

By The Captain May 13, 2021

Warning: THIS Happens If You Miss Your Second COVID-19 Shot 1

What if you miss your second shot?

Both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines give you some protection against COVID-19 even if you take a single shot.

So, in a way, getting one shot is better than not getting vaccinated at all – but it’s still not enough to be fully protected.

During this study, CDC specialists looked at 4,000 essential workers who got vaccinated between December 14 and March 13. Study results revealed that a single dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine offered up to 80% protection; by comparison, both doses gave workers more than 90% protection!

If 80% protection from a single shot sounds good to you, know that it doesn’t last nearly as long as the protection you get from both doses.

According to Ahmad Kamal, MD, vice chair of internal medicine at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, ‘this is because a different type of immune response is stimulated by the second shot.’

Getting both doses also increases your immunization against newer variants of the virus.

This information made many people change their minds and go for the second shot. But is it ever too late to get the second vaccine? Click ‘next’ to find out…


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