9 Alarming Signs It’s More Than Just a Cold

By The Captain October 12, 2020

Wellness Captain Signs It's More Than Just a Cold

4. Your low-grade fever lasts for days

By now, we know that low fever can be normal for some common colds. However, even in such cases, there are usually a couple of mild episodes that go away quickly.

If you’re dealing with a low-grade fever for days at end, it may be a sign that your body is fighting off something more than just the bacteria which causes a cold. In some cases, this sign may be caused by the flu or mono, so you should never overlook it and get checked ASAP.


5. You’re having stomach problems

Experiencing unpleasant stomach issues such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea has never been associated with the common flu.

If these symptoms come along with other cold-like signs, it’s best to ask for professional help. Even though it’s nothing more than indigestion, for example, there’s still a higher risk for dehydration because you’re also likely sweating excessively. Once again, in this case it’s best to see a doctor.


6. You’re feeling chest pain

As I explained earlier, coughing is completely normal for the common cold. What is not normal though is coughing so much you have trouble breathing properly; the same goes for experiencing chest pain or wheezing.

Wheezing and severe coughing combined with cold-like symptoms can hide bronchitis or pneumonia, which require medical treatment.

Wellness Captain  ATTENTION! Chest pain, shortness of breath or a feeling of tightness in your chest can be a sign of pulmonary embolism. This is a blood clot blockage in the lungs that requires immediate medical attention, so make sure to call a doctor as soon as possible.


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Wellness Captain