9 Alarming Signs It’s More Than Just a Cold

By The Captain October 12, 2020

Wellness Captain Signs It's More Than Just a Cold

7. Your symptoms are too ‘localized’

The common cold creates unpleasant symptoms that manifest in the entire upper respiratory system. If you feel that some symptoms are particularly severe in one location, it might be something more than just a cold.

Dr. Lai Becker points out that if you’re having a sore throat so bad you can’t swallow, for example, you might be dealing with a strep infection. Meanwhile, sinus infections can come with severe headaches and even tooth pain; an ear infection can cause severe pain and congestion in one year, while the mono can cause swollen tonsils.

If you’re feeling anything out of the ordinary, it’s best to ask for professional help.


8. You’re having body aches

A common cold can put anyone to bed rest for a couple of days, which is normal and understandable. However, if you’re feeling actual aches and pains through your body, it may be something more serious.

The flu, for example, is known for causing muscle tightness and pain along with chills and extreme fatigue. When you’re suffering the flu, the simplest tasks such as getting out of bed to drink water can leave you exhausted.


9. You notice a pattern

Catching a cold every now and then is once again completely normal especially during this time of the year. However, frequent episodes may signal that something more is going on. For example, if your ‘cold’ is much more frequent during some seasons or if you get it after going to a certain place or spending time with pets, it might be time to be tested for allergies.

To get the correct diagnosis, you should visit a specialist who will run a series of tests and determine the exact allergen you’re dealing with.

Don’t worry, though! Allergies are very common and now you can even cure them through allergy shots.


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