9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health

By The Captain December 11, 2020

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 1

Habits that can affect your health

  1. Checking emails at night

Constantly verifying work emails has become a common practice for many people. But just because so many people do it doesn’t mean it’s something good.

According to researchers at Lehigh and Colorado State universities, people who take their work home have higher stress levels. Permanently checking office emails outside working hours will not allow you to unwind and relax, affecting your overall wellbeing. More than that, it can also affect those around you, making them more stressed around you too.

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 2 Captain’s tip: Set a time to stop checking your work emails and stop performing other work-related activities. If the nature of your job doesn’t allow it, set shifts so that every member of the staff has some time off.


  1. Sitting down cross-legged

Sitting cross-legged is a popular and quite comfortable position for many of us. As convenient as this position might seem, it can cause a variety of health problems that would have never crossed your mind.

As if making us slouch and causing a bad posture is not enough, a study in the journal Blood Pressure Monitoring revealed that crossing your legs at the knees while sitting can cause a temporary, ten percent blood pressure increase. Cardiologist and author of The Great Cholesterol Myth, Dr. Stephen Sinatra explains that crossed legs “can cause pooling of blood in the legs when the veins are compressed, which could increase your risk of a blood clot.”

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 2 Captain’s tip: If you really feel comfortable sitting cross-legged, cross your legs at your ankles so your veins are not compressed.


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Wellness Captain