9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health

By The Captain December 11, 2020

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 1

  1. Popping pimples

For some people, popping pimples is the most satisfying thing in the world. Surprisingly, squeezing spots causes your brain to release dopamine, the feel-happy neurotransmitter.

As tempting as it might be to satisfy your odd needs, dermatologists advise against it. Not only can it result in a nasty scar, but it can also cause a life-threatening infection because it opens the skin for bacteria from your fingers. The skin from the corners of your mouth to the nasal septum is particularly sensitive because blood vessels in this area drain to the base of the brain where infection can cause blindness, paralysis and even death.

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 2 Captain’s tip: Whatever you do, don’t touch your pimples. If you really must, wash your face and hands and wrap your fingers in a clean tissue or cotton before applying pressure to the spot.


  1. Wearing sunscreen every day

For years, dermatologists have recommended us to wear sunscreen not only on hot summer, days but every day of the year, come rain or shine, to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays. “Sunscreen is one of the most important tools in preventing skin cancer,” explains Maria Teresa Ochoa, MD, a dermatologist at USC Dermatology and professor of clinical dermatology at Keck Medicine of USC. However, recent studies show that wearing sunblock all the time could undermine your vitamin D levels. Low levels of vitamin D could increase your risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 2 Captain’s tip: In light of recent studies, let your skin soak up the sun for 30 minutes, every day, without using any sunblock. Of course, the sun shouldn’t be too hot, otherwise, its effects are anything but positive. You can also try a vitamin D supplement if you spend more time indoors than outdoors.

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