9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health

By The Captain December 11, 2020

person sleeping

  1. Sleeping late on the weekends

Most of us use the weekends to make up for the little sleep during the week.  Unfortunately, this strategy to catch up on your lost ZZZs over the weekend might take an unexpected toll on your health in the long term.

That’s because Saturday lie-ins can disrupt your normal circadian rhythm and cause adverse effects on your immune, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. You feel groggier, crankier and even hungrier for unhealthy comfort foods.

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 1 Captain’s tip: You can occasionally use the weekends to catch up on your sleep debt but as a general rule, you should go to bed and get up at approximately the same time every day.

More useful posts on sleep:


  1. Brushing teeth too vigorously

It’s common knowledge (or at least it should be) to brush teeth twice a day for two minutes, give or take. So far so good. But watch out for too much of a good thing. Over-brushing your teeth – too long and too hard – can actually harm your teeth structure, wear down the enamel and gums and increase the risk of tooth decay.

According to Matt Messina, a dentist from Fairview Park, OH, “people feel like if they really don’t go at the teeth, like they’re trying to clean the grout in their bathroom tile, they’re not doing the right job”. In this case, harder is not better.

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 1 Captain’s tip: Use a brush with medium bristles, not too firm to damage the gums but also not too soft to be unable to remove all the plaque and food debris properly. An electric brush might be a good option as many have sensors that warn you if you’re pressing too hard.


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