9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health

By The Captain December 11, 2020

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 1

  1. Washing your hair with body wash

This is something men are more likely to do than women. We all know ladies have a wide variety of hair and body products for every inch of their body. But let’s say you run out of shampoo one day. Using body wash on your hair, just this once, will not cause great damage, other than to your pride. But if you turn it into a habit, expect some unpleasant consequences.

According to LeAine Dehmer, a Los Angeles–based skin-care product researcher and developer, body washes and bar soaps can make your hair look dirty and flat, due to containing chemicals that create a chemical reaction with water. Body products with oils and moisturizers are even worse for your hair because “hair is very porous and really soaks up waxes and oils,” explains Dehmer.

9 Innocent-Looking Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Health 2 Captain’s tip: If you run out of shampoo, you can opt for the water-only hair washing method. When you need to travel, you can opt for an all-in-one hair and body wash.


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Wellness Captain