Top Travel Destinations from Your Couch (Our Recommendations)

By The Captain March 31, 2020

Wellness Captain Top Travel Destinations From Home

Travel Destinations from Your Couch

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest challenges of our generation: travel, work and schools are out of question. However, we must admit that social isolation is infinitely more comfortable now than it would’ve been a few years ago.

I know we’re all stressed about an uncertain future. The best thing – the only thing – we can do right now is to take it one day at a time and try to make the most of every moment at home.

Let me ask you this: how would you like to do a world tour from your couch?

If you ask me, I’d rather experience the Louvre uninterrupted by dozens of other tourists. Directors of the most popular sightseeing destinations worldwide thought the same and designed amazing virtual tours for everyone to access anytime.


Travel the world safely

In my opinion, one of the most astounding virtual tours can be taken through the Google Arts & Culture mobile app.

The app creators worked with more than 1,200 art galleries, museums and institutions from 70 countries to bring the most astonishing exhibits to your home. You can zoom in Van Gogh’s Starry Night, explore every corner of the Maya temples or enrich your culinary taste with Japanese cuisine.

The app can be downloaded on both Android and IOS; as a plus free feature, you can choose famous paintings and see them in real size right in your living room thanks to virtual reality.


Other treasures to see virtually

Because one can never know enough about national treasures, you can take a virtual tour of the Grand Canyon river here anytime for free. From then, you can travel straight to the National Gallery of Art in Washington. The gallery provides online guidance explained for the entire family and challenges you into observing details and comparing breathtaking works of art.

If you’re interested in exploring European treasures, here you can enjoy every detail of the following renowned objectives:

  • Le Louvre, France – needless to say, this one is a must-see even if you’ve already visited it in real life; nothing compares to getting every bit of information about your favorite artworks while freely zooming in on the details;
  • Hermitage, Russia – a very interactive platform, this virtual tour is among the most user-friendly; with just a few clicks, you can stroll around the building and get detailed information about every object exhibited;
  • Vatican Museum, Italy – the official website of the Musei Vaticani offers virtual tours organized by categories for easy navigation and I promise, the Sistine Chapel is just as breathtaking online too!


What are you browsing during social isolation? Share your most interesting recommendations and we’ll get back to you too!

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Wellness Captain