6 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Need Some Alone Time

By The Captain January 28, 2021

6 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Need Some Alone Time 1

  1. Discuss, don’t argue!

Telling your partner that you need some solo time after spending almost one year together 24/7 might seem confusing. In some cases, your special someone can be hurt or say something that maybe they didn’t mean; if this happens, it’s important to be patient and explain your needs as good as you can while standing your ground.

Part of being patient also means not starting to point fingers, even if there are things that might’ve annoyed you about your loved one lately. For example, instead of saying ‘you’re just sitting on that couch all day long’ you could focus on what you really need (point one, remember?).


  1. Alone time doesn’t mean emotional distancing

When I mentioned the dangerous phrase ‘I need some space,’ this is exactly what I was referring to. Unfortunately, even if you’re crystal clear about your need of spending even a few minutes per day separately for your own joy and comfort, your partner may still not understand it.

Some people are considerably more attached to others and may feel best when they’re in their loved ones’ company; others may just feel more comfortable by spending some quality time with themselves. Both categories may love each other unconditionally – they just have different needs and standards which must be respected for a healthy relationship.

In such cases, your partner should (and hopefully will) understand that maybe you’re just different in this sense and you needing solo time isn’t a bad thing.


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Wellness Captain