6 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Need Some Alone Time

By The Captain January 28, 2021

6 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Need Some Alone Time 1

  1. Make your reunion special

By now, you’ve probably figured out whether your partner might be dealing with separation anxiety or not. While it’s important to stand your ground and enjoy your much-needed alone time, it also matters to help your partner adapt to this new situation as easily as possible.

Firstly, you can plan your solo getaways and let your partner know when, where and for how long you’ll be gone (or what you’re going to do during that time). Secondly, keep that promise of returning home at a certain hour to increase their confidence and give them piece of mind.

Lastly, depending on how long you’ve been gone for, you can always make your reunion special. If you just went to the grocery store for half an hour, a kiss or a hug may feel twice as sweet; if you’re going for a two-day trip, maybe you can enjoy dinner and a movie at home when you get back.


  1. If you’re feeling guilty…

…know that a lot of people are in the same boat too. Many partners believe that since they’re in such a happy relationship they shouldn’t want to spend time away from their special someone. However, the two aren’t usually connected and needing ‘me’ time is more about your personality and comfort zone.

If you’ve always been used to spending time away from others (even from your loved ones!), then you shouldn’t feel ashamed or guilty to share those desires with your soulmate.


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