The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6

By The Captain July 29, 2020

Wellness Captain Diabetes Meal Plan Day 6

We’re just one day away from the end of our 7-days Diabetes Meal Plan and I want to make sure you get as much useful information as possible. Aside from today’s menu, I want to offer a couple of quick tips that really helped me become more organized with meal prepping. Here they are:

  1. Consider food groups. Ideally, each meal should include all three essential nutrient groups: vitamins, protein and fats. If that’s not possible at one meal of the day, make sure to add the missing nutrients to the next meal.
  2. Use containers. Ever since I’ve started to meal prep, containers have made a huge difference. They are super cheap and come in all shapes and sizes so they’re easy to store as well.
  3. Always have spices. Adding extra spices can make a family of 5 enjoy the same meal in different ways. They’re the essence of cooking!
  4. Save recipes. I made a habit out of writing down every recipe I tried and enjoyed, as well as the meals I want to cook. It is a huge time-saver especially when you can organize recipes by the ingredients they contain or the time they require for cooking.
  5. Be patient. It takes 21 days for your brain to embrace a new habit, so stay consistent and take it one day at a time. It will be so worth it!


I hope these tips can make a difference in your home (and heart) too; now, we can move on to today’s menu!


7 Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6

The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1  Breakfast: Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats (see recipe here)

*Add ½ cup raspberries and 1 tbsp chopped pecans as topping.


The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1  Snack: 15 cherries


The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1  Lunch: Slow-Cooker Vegetable Soup (see recipe here)


The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1  Snack: 1 orange


The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1  Dinner: Apple-Glazed Chicken with Spinach (source)


  • ¼ cup apple jelly
  • 1 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tsp snipped fresh thyme
  • ½ teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel
  • ½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger
  • 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 1 medium apple, cored and coarsely chopped
  • ¼ cup sliced onion
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 5 cups fresh spinach



  1. Combine apple jelly, soy sauce, thyme and ginger. Microwave on high until the jelly is melted (about 60-90 seconds). Save 2 tablespoons of the glaze.
  2. Season the chicken with salt, pepper and place it on a broiler pan. Broil 5 inhes from the heat until the chicken is tender and no longer pink. Halfway through the broiling process, turn the chicken and brush it with apple glaze.
  3. Coat a nonstick pan with cooking spray and preheat on medium heat. Add apple, onion and garlic, stirring for 3 minutes. Add the 2 remaining tablespoons of the glaze and bring to boiling. Add the spinach and cook until wilted.
  4. Serve the spinach with chicken slices on top. Enjoy!


The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1 Click here for day 7 of our Diabetes Meal Plan!  The Ultimate 7-Days Diabetes Meal Plan: Day 6 1

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Wellness Captain