7 Essential Breakfast Rules for People with Diabetes

By The Captain October 22, 2020

Wellness Captain Essential Breakfast Rules for Diabetes

  1. Opt for nonfat milk or yogurt

During a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers looked at 170,000 adults of ages 40-69 and their eating habits. Specialists found that the more milk participants consumed, the more they reduced their risk for developing metabolic syndrome; this condition is a combination between multiple illnesses known for increasing your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Our post on metabolic syndrome covers everything you need to know about this illness, which is surprisingly common among U.S. adults.

Now back to milk: why is it so effective?  Well, in order to fortify milk, manufacturers use vitamin D; as a 2018 research published in Clinical Diabetes shows, this vitamin is an essential ally in insulin absorption.

If you’re not a huge fan of milk, you can opt for yogurt instead. Just make sure that you stick to the plain version as any flavored yogurt is filled with artificial sweeteners and unhealthy flavors.


  1. Enjoy whole fruits instead of fruit juice

Fresh orange juice already seems like a classic part of the ideal breakfast, doesn’t it?

Healthy as it may seem, this beverage can do more harm than good – especially for patients diagnosed with diabetes.

Let’s put it this way: how many whole oranges could you eat at once? Probably less than five, which is about how many you need for a generous serving of fresh orange juice.

Although fruits provide you with fructose, which is a natural sweetener, it’s still sugar; like any other sugar, this one can also cause a spike in blood sugar levels. If you still can’t give up on your morning cup of fruit juice, you can reduce the portion by half and dilute it with water.


  1. Enrich your diet with fiber

A recent study published in The Lancet found that eating a diet rich in fiber can reduce the risk for developing type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, colorectal cancer and stroke by up to 24%!

If you enjoy eating a bowl of cereal first thing in the morning, you can fortify it by adding half a cup of your favorite fresh fruit. Some of the best sources of fiber are blueberries, raspberries and bananas.

Want to make your breakfast even healthier? Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed on top of your mix. As a 2016 study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design proved, this type of seeds can reduce the incidence of type 1 diabetes and may even delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Don’t like cereal bowls? Our blueberry smoothie recipe is a morning bliss – and it takes literally a few minutes to make!

  1. Pick diabetes-friendly foods

Everybody loves those rich diner-style breakfasts when eating out – or at least I know I do. However, such choices usually give you a whopping 1,000 calories that come as unhealthy carbohydrates and fat. Simply said, such breakfasts are the perfect recipe for creating a huge spike in your blood sugar levels.

If you’re going to get breakfast at a restaurant, here’s Dr. Dobbins’ advice for you:

‘There are a variety of choices when dining out for breakfast, and some are healthier than others. For people with diabetes, eating a balanced meal—a combination of carb, protein, and fat—can easily be accomplished. Choose something like a breakfast sandwich with lean meat on an English muffin, instead of a higher-fat biscuit, or a Greek yogurt parfait with fruit and nuts.’


Wellness Captain  What’s your favorite breakfast meal? Share your top 3 options and we’ll get back to you with a secret tip to keep blood sugar levels within normal limits!



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