Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions

By The Captain March 2, 2021

Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions 1

#10: You drink too many calories

Is it possible to get more than your daily recommended intake of calories through beverages alone?


Whether we talk about sodas (zero sugar ones included!), ready-made meal replacement shakes or any coffee varieties (think Starbucks), these drinks can give you a huge spike in blood sugar levels along with plenty of empty calories.

The problem with this habit is that drinking takes much less time than eating. This has a similar effect to fast eating, as your body can’t send you the right signals to stop drinking until it’s too late.

Ironically enough, even if you’re drinking a 400 ml meal replacement shake, for example, you’ll still feel hungry very quickly if it’s a highly processed beverage. This vicious cycle only leads to more eating and unhealthy cravings that damage your diet daily.

This study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that people who consumed liquid snacks were feeling hungrier than those who didn’t and they also ate 400 more calories during the day.

Of course, I’m not saying liquid snacks are bad – in fact, I’m all in for healthy smoothies and soups. The best way to get the best of any liquid beverage is to just prepare them right at home using healthy ingredients to avoid added sugars and other chemicals.


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Wellness Captain