Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions

By The Captain March 2, 2021

Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions 1

#2: You need more sleep

These days, we live such a busy lifestyle that our mantra could easily be ‘there are not enough hours in a day.’ Aside from the fact that it’s just not true, this lifestyle choice can seriously mess with our health – including our digestion.

In simple terms, your brain needs to rest in order to function properly. When you don’t sleep enough, the signals between your brain and body get mixed up; your ghrelin levels aldo increase drastically, which can make you feel truly hungry when in fact you’re just tired.

This study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology analyzed the physical impact of a sleepless night on 15 healthy adults. Scarily enough, all participants reported being much hungrier than after a night of rest – and the quantity of food they ate increased by 14%.

Specialists generally recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. If you’re having trouble such as insomnia or frequent night wakings, you can try these expert-approved techniques.


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Wellness Captain