Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions

By The Captain March 2, 2021

Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions 1

#7: You’re way too stressed

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: stress is one of the biggest risk factors we experience in the 21st century.

The main reason of concern in this case is that stress increases your levels of cortisol. This hormone is mainly responsible for increasing your appetite and especially cravings for unhealthy foods. In simple terms, the more stressed you are, the hungrier you’ll get – to the point it becomes uncontrollable.

This study analyzed how stress impacts 59 women’s eating patterns and the results were staggering: almost all stressed participants ate more calories during the day and many of them were sweet foods such as desserts, as opposed to those who weren’t stressed at all.

If you’re constantly feeling stressed and don’t seem to find a way out of this vicious cycle, here are a few tips that might help:


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Wellness Captain