8 Best Foods to Eat When You Have a Cold (and Two to Avoid)

By The Captain February 11, 2020


Chicken soup

It turns out your mother was right in telling you to eat chicken soup when you were feeling sick. This easy source of vitamins and protein has been considered an efficient remedy for common colds for hundreds of years.

Many studies found that chicken soup is more effective in clearing nasal mucus and congestion than any other liquid out there. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting the cells that cause symptoms such as coughing or stuffy nose.



It’s probably not the first time you’ve heard this: vitamin C is highly effective in preventing seasonal colds. Truth be told, it won’t help most of us in not catching one, but it will help our immune system fight back when we’re around people who get sick often, like colleagues in an office.

However, if you consume a lot of it before you see any cold symptoms, you can ditch the cold a lot faster. Lemons, limes and oranges are perfect sources of vitamin C to help prevent rather than treat!


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