10 Foods You Can Eat For Stronger Hair and Nails

By The Captain October 6, 2020

Wellness Captain Foods for Stronger Hair and Nails

Wellness CaptainFor stronger nails…



If you read the label of most nail supplements out there, biotin is on the list. This nutrient from the B vitamins family was found to strengthen your nails when consumed regularly.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that you can increase the thickness of your nails by up to 25% if you meet your daily biotin recommended intake.

Where can you find biotin naturally? In a food you’re probably already eating on the regular: eggs.



Tangerines aren’t the only fruits rich in vitamin C, which is crucial to keep your nails strong and prevents splitting.

In fact, Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, MS, founder of the F-Factor Diet, explains that a serving of just eight strawberries can offer more vitamin C than an orange. This micronutrient works by promoting the production of collagen – the same protein that helps in the anti-aging process.

Looking for more ways to prevent skin aging? Our post on 5 Anti-Aging Supplements to Use During Lockdown might help!



One of the main components of both your skin and nails is the translucent keratin protein. The best ways to increase this nutrient intake is by eating lean meats such as chicken, turkey or tempeh.

However, if you want to maximize the health benefits of your diet, salmon provides plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and keratin proteins.



Lentils almost fall into the superfood list because they contain nine essential vitamins and minerals. Because they contain valuable quantities of B vitamins and biotin, these little guys can also keep your nails strong and shiny.

Researchers who took part in this German study offered 2.5 milligrams of biotin daily to analyze their impact. Surprisingly, they found that 91% of the subjects showed major improvements in their nails, making them firmer and harder.


Red bell peppers

Aside from the unique taste they offer to your favorite meals, red bell peppers are an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

In fact, this colorful vegetable contains 190% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C, which boosts collagen production instantly. Meanwhile, they have a wide range of antioxidants that protect your nails from free radicals that could damage nail cells in the long run.

Unfortunately, some toxic free radicals found in the environment can severely damage every cell in your body. In my post called ‘What’s all the fuss about antioxidants?’ I cover essential information about free radicals and how you can use antioxidants to stay safe and prevent long-term illnesses.



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