Aging or Parkinson’s? Here are 13 Ways You Can Tell

By The Captain May 13, 2021

Aging or Parkinson’s? Here are 13 Ways You Can Tell 1

Balance problems

Parkinson’s disease can affect many of your neuronal capacities, especially basal ganglia. These tiny nerve cells are located deep inside your brain and they’re essential for flexibility and balance.

Unfortunately, Parkinson’s disease can gradually affect these nerve cells to the point you start losing balance.

Specialists can diagnose this symptom through an exercise known as the ‚pull test.’ During the test, a specialist will move your shoulders backwards until you lose your balance; the time it takes for you to regain balance can let doctors know whether basal ganglia is affected or not.

In normal individuals, it only takes one or two steps backwards to regain balance, while those with Parkinson’s have a harder time standing still again.


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