Aging or Parkinson’s? Here are 13 Ways You Can Tell

By The Captain May 13, 2021

Aging or Parkinson’s? Here are 13 Ways You Can Tell 1


Since Parkinson’s disease can cause sudden twitches and tremors, you’d think the affected people seem very agitated all the time. However, there’s another side of the coin, medically called bradykinesia.

This term refers to a slower movement of a certain part of the body. Some of the most common examples are hand and leg stiffness or having a hard time starting to move (think getting up from the chair or starting to walk).

Sadly, many people dealing with this symptom never mention it to their doctor because they think it’s just due to aging. Unlike aging, though, Parkinson’s bradykinesia doesn’t reduce your bone density or muscle strength, since it only affects the nerve cells.


RELATED: Parkinson’s Disease and Products That May Improve Daily Living


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