10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think

By The Captain January 17, 2020


Bad breath

If your breath smells in the morning or after an onion-rich dinner, it’s normal. However, if this symptom persists, it could signal an illness you can’t ignore.

According to MD and cardiologist Joshua S. Yamamoto, bad breath is ‘often associated with gingivitis.’ If that doesn’t seem serious either, know that ‘there is a correlation between poor gingival health and vascular inflammation.’

10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think 1

Swollen ankles

If you get swollen ankles after a long flight or walking for miles, it’s normal. If you struggle with this problem daily, though, you might need to be checked by a doctor.

As Yamamoto explains, ‘A heart that is not working well can fail to adequately circulate blood, and swollen feet and ankles can be an early sign of a failing heart.’


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