10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think

By The Captain January 17, 2020

10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think 1

Constant fungal infections

How can you tell if you’re developing diabetes? Apparently, your feet can tell you. The American Diabetes Association states that fungal infections are ‘sometimes the first sign that a person has diabetes.’

The cause is Candida albicans, a fungus similar to yeast, which can cause rashes, blistering and itchiness in many areas (think jock itch, athlete’s foot or vaginal infections). Diabetes patients may often struggle with this health issue, so if you can’t seem to get rid of fungal infections, make a double-check.

10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think 2

Sudden weight loss

If pounds start dropping uncontrollably without any apparent cause, you don’t want to ignore it. Dr. Yamamoto warns all patients that unexpected weight loss ‘can be associated with uncontrolled diabetes, heart failure, and cancer.’

Weight loss can also be an indicator of liver failure. Here is everything you need to know and pay attention to!

You should consider having a smart scale at home, just to be sure! Check this one! 

A Healthy lifestyle is good for you!


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Wellness Captain