10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think

By The Captain January 17, 2020

10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think 1

Wrinkles (not always healthy!)

Who would’ve thought the most natural body occurrence can be a symptom of something more serious? Dr. Eugene Charles, director of The Applied Kinesiology center of New York, says that wrinkles can signal a notable protein deficiency.

Moreover, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007 showed that middle-aged women who struggled with many wrinkles consumed considerably fewer proteins than women without wrinkles.

10 Subtle Signs You’re Not as Healthy as You Think 2

Changes in fingernails

‘Changes in your fingernails and toes can be related to diet and bad habits like smoking,’ explains Bidey. ‘It can also be an early sign that problems are occurring with your circulation or other internal systems.’ If your fingernails have a bluish hue, it might be related to blood circulation problems, so you might want to get checked.


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