These 4 Hacks Can Help You Avoid Another Wine Headache

By The Captain October 20, 2020

Wellness Captain Wine Headache Hacks

Hack #3: Pick a wine low in tyramine

Data from WebMD states that any food or beverage that contains tyramine may cause migraines for most people.

Tyramine is an amino acid that’s usually found in fermented, aged foods such as cheese, cured meats and – you guessed right – wine. Also note that red wine contains a higher amount of tyramine than its white alternatives.

Before giving up on your favorite red wine entirely, though, it’s best that you make sure your headaches are caused by tyramine: next time you’re planning a gathering with loved ones, pick a white wine instead. If you won’t suffer from a headache the next day, it might be best to stick to white or rose wines instead.


Hack #4: Limit your intake

Sometimes it’s an intolerance while other times it’s just dehydration.

However, we also have to consider the possibility that you may simply be drinking more wine than your body can handle.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans,  the maximum recommended intake for alcoholic beverages is of one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. While you may safely increase these quantities occasionally, it’s best to limit yourself to less if you can’t escape the headaches that strike the following morning.


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