9 Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Eating On An Empty Stomach Right NOW

By The Captain November 2, 2020


Raw green vegetables

Vegetables, similar to fruits, are generally healthy and packed with vitamins and minerals. But this doesn’t mean they can be consumed any time of the day, and certainly not an empty stomach. That’s because they are packed with insoluble fiber, which may cause flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain in some people, particularly those with digestion issues.  Did You Know These 7 Foods Can Give You Gas?


Cold drinks

Drinking something cold first thing in the morning is a common practice for many people. Whether it’s iced coffee, carbonated beverages or cold water, they have no problem chugging it on an empty stomach. But their stomach might have a problem, whether they like it or not.

That’s because cold beverages may irritate your mucous membrane and intestines, slowing down your digestion throughout the day. More than that, they can cause bloating and discomfort in your stomach. Instead of going for cold beverages, opt for a glass of warm water or other lukewarm beverages before breakfast, to improve your circulation, digestion and boost your metabolism.

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