Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn

By The Captain May 6, 2021

Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn 1

How can you ease heartburn?

If you’ve made it this far in our post, congratulations! Now you know how to protect yourself from acid reflux by avoiding common foods that can cause this unpleasant condition.

However, some people are naturally more prone to acid reflux. If you’re constantly experiencing heartburn regardless of what you eat, some foods might ease the symptoms temporarily.

Here are the most common foods that can work wonders for many people’s heartburn:

  • Bananas: Simple, affordable and tasty, bananas are very low in acid, yet they’re high in fiber, which means they can reduce the stomach acid that might cause your heartburn.
  • Oatmeal: This is one of the best sources of fiber, which means that it can reduce stomach acid as well. You can find many interesting recipes such as banana-oatmeal cookies that might turn out to be real life-saviors.
  • Potatoes: According to this study from the journal Gastroenterology Research and Practice, consuming grains and potatoes can lower your risk of acid reflux by more than 40%. Make sure to cook them in healthy ways, as deep-frying (for example) can have the exact opposite impact and increase heartburn.
  • Green veggies: These foods are simply perfect for anyone dealing with acid reflux: they’re low in sugar, acid and fat, so they don’t have any heartburn risks at all! The most popular options are broccoli, celery, spinach and green beans.
  • Ginger: Aside from being a great source of antioxidants, ginger is one of the best remedies for stomach problems including nausea, vomiting and acid reflux. You can use ginger as a spice for many meals or consume it as a tea.


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