Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn

By The Captain May 6, 2021

Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn 1


This is pretty broad, huh? I mean, most of us are adding salt to nearly everything we eat from snacks to breakfasts and even some desserts.

Sadly, though, multiple studies such as this one from the journal Gut proved that people who eat salty foods more than three times a week have a 50% higher risk of experiencing acid reflux compared to those who avoid salted foods altogether.

Much like citrus juice, though, specialists are still trying to understand why so many people experience heartburn after eating salty meals and snacks. One theory suggests that those who eat salty foods also usually eat more fatty meals, which can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter.

Salt can affect your health in many other ways including heart disease and high cholesterol. Here are 7 warning salt you’re eating too much salt daily.


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