Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn

By The Captain May 6, 2021

Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn 1


Oh, the joy of having a glass of wine or a cold beer after a long day – if only that heartburn wouldn’t show up to ruin every evening!

Alcohol can affect your body in many ways, one of them being acid reflux. For one, these beverages lower your esophageal sphincter shortly after consumption.

Secondly, alcohol (particularly beer and wine) increase the amount of stomach acid which translates into a higher risk of having heartburn.

Furthermore, alcohol has a similar impact to mint as it irritates the lining of your esophagus.

If you’re used to drinking alcohol frequently, though, heartburn is the least harmful consequence you’ll experience. Here are 10 other strange side effects alcohol can give you.


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