11 Surprising Things That Could Be Giving You Headaches

By The Captain February 24, 2021

11 Surprising Things That Could Be Giving You Headaches 1

Pickled, smoked, or marinated foods

Many of the meats, fruits and vegetables we eat contain a compound called tyramine, which is known to cause headaches. The highest amounts of tyramine can be found in aged, marinated, smoked, or pickled foods such as tofu, cheeses, and obviously pickles.

Surprisingly, bananas also include considerable amounts of tyramine, especially overripe bananas, as well as avocados, onions, and chocolate. The higher the amount of tyramine, the higher the level of pain. “You’ll want to be careful with aged cheese like bleu, Gouda, and Parmesan, as well as other foods containing tyramine,” also warns Tania Elliott, MD, an allergist and internist and former host of the TV show The Doctors.


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