The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods

By The Captain March 22, 2021

The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods 1

George W. Bush – Grilled cheese sandwiches

The image George W. Bush built for himself when he was younger, was that of a man you could go out for a beer with. Chill and relaxed, Texas-style. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that he also loved easy-going food like grilled cheese sandwiches, peanut butter and honey sandwiches.

According to “White House Chef” by Walter Scheib and Andrew Friedman, the former president also enjoyed burgers with lettuce and tomato on the side and home-made cheeseburger pizza.

The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods 2

Barack Obama – Nachos

Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States in a period when everything was revealed and discussed on social media (not that this still doesn’t happen today), including what the POTUS ate. Some of Obama’s favorite foods include salmon, chili, trail mix, and broccoli (which was definitely not on the menu whenever former president George H.W. Bush came to dinner).

He also confessed to comedian Jerry Seinfeld that nachos were one of his all-time favorites. “That’s one of those where I have to have it taken away,” Obama admitted. “I’ll have guacamole coming out of my eyeballs.”


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