The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods

By The Captain March 22, 2021

The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods 1

Joe Biden – Ice cream

No one can deny that the United States’ 46th president has always managed to stay trim and fit. It’s no secret that he works out and takes care of his body any way he can. But it’s also no secret that he absolutely adores ice cream. In fact, he said it himself in 2016: “My name is Joe Biden and I love ice cream. You all think I’m kidding — I’m not. I eat more ice cream than three other people you’d like to be with, all at once.”

He actually loves ice cream so much that during his presidential campaign, $10,000 was spent on ice cream from Jeni’s, a brand based in Columbus, Ohio. He also shared his ice cream with campaign backers and campaign staffers, but still…He now has a type of Jeni’s ice cream inspired by his favorite flavor, chocolate chip cookies.


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Wellness Captain