The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods

By The Captain March 22, 2021

The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods 1

John F. Kennedy – Creamy clam chowder

The 35th president of the United States was also the youngest president elected and came from a wealthy and prominent family. Some say his upbringing reflected his eating choices. If true or not, one thing’s for sure. JFK and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy represented the perfect example of grace in the early 1960s and they did everything with style.

It was in the Kennedy period that French cuisine became extremely posh and chefs such as Julia Child and James Beard became widely popular. But JFK was also a true New Englander and often enjoyed New England staples such as creamy clam chowder instead of the sophisticated French dishes or the Manhattan-style cuisine.


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