Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn

By The Captain May 6, 2021

Warning: These 10 Foods Can Give You Terrible Heartburn 1

Spicy foods

No matter how healthy you are, eating a spicy meal can still trigger heartburn – and for good reason.

Spicy meals contain a substance called capsaicin, which slows down the normal digestion process. Since the food you’re eating will stay in the stomach for longer, it’ll also increase the risk of acid reflux.

According to this study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, people who eat foods cooked with chili powder had a slower rate of digestion.

Spicy foods are also notorious for irritating the esophagus, which can make acid reflux symptoms even worse.

Nevertheless, many spicy meals are healthy, so you shouldn’t cut them from your diet completely. You can try reducing the spicy ingredients when cooking or adding a non-spicy side to reduce the risk of heartburn.


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