13 “Healthy” Habits Your Doctor Wants You to Give Up For Good

By The Captain April 9, 2021

13 “Healthy” Habits Your Doctor Wants You to Give Up For Good 1

Forcing your kids to eat their veggies

Sure, a healthy diet is good for everyone, especially when it comes to kids, but “being too restrictive about food choices and having strict food rules can create new problems,” says Christine Wood, MD, FAAP, pediatrician and USANA Spokesperson. Children don’t do well with rules. At least not when it comes to good and bad food anyway.

Instead of eliminating treats and sweets from their diet altogether, Wood suggests explaining to your children that these should be eaten in moderation. Kids who are not allowed to eat what they want (in moderation) can turn into real picky eaters as adults or have binge-eating episodes more often than others.


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