10 Worst Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Consuming Right Now (+Alternatives)

By The Captain April 21, 2020

Maple syrup

Pancakes can be a healthy breakfast option. Your choice of topping, though, isn’t. Aside from being insanely high in sugar, maple syrup contains too few nutrients to be worth consuming. Most products are heavily processed, which only adds other unhealthy ingredients on the list.

Alternatives: Just two tablespoons of melted peanut butter provide you with 8 grams of protein and 16 grams of healthy fats, while still being very low in sugar. Also, you can still enjoy maple flavors by consuming maple water.

10 Worst Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Consuming Right Now (+Alternatives) 110 Worst Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Consuming Right Now (+Alternatives) 2



They’re crunchy, tasty and go perfectly with your favorite movie. They also contain acrylamide, a chemical that earned its popularity because it increases cancer risks drastically. Potato chips are often sprinkled with processed flavors, thus creating the perfect storm for a very unhealthy snack.

Alternatives: Roasted pistachios are a great chip alternative. Crunchy and salty, they’re equally satisfying to eat while offering healthy fats too. These pistachios are grown in California and they’re free from gluten or genetically modified substances.

10 Worst Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Consuming Right Now (+Alternatives) 310 Worst Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Consuming Right Now (+Alternatives) 4

You can really get your teeth into cutting out the next ones (if you still have any)…..


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Wellness Captain