10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health

By The Captain April 21, 2021

10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health 1

Using cotton swabs

If you were to ask 100 Americans how they feel about cotton swabs, most of them will probably tell you they’re a must-have in every home.

However, specialists don’t think the same way.

In fact, as Brande Plotnick, MS, MBA, says, ear canals don’t need any special tool to be cleaned. Whenever you take a shower, the water entering the ear canal can wash away the extra wax which has accumulated previously. Additionally, you can also wipe your ears using a towel.

Cotton swabs can penetrate the ear canal more than necessary. Not only do they take away protective wax that can keep your internal ear safe, but they can even lead to punctured eardrums and ear infections over time.


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