10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health

By The Captain April 21, 2021

10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health 1

Brushing your teeth after eating

Many advertisers in the oral hygiene industry are promoting the idea that we should brush our teeth after each meal.

According to Mayo Clinic, though, we should wait at least 30 minutes after each meal to clean our teeth. Why?

Because many of the foods we eat are temporarily weakening the tooth enamel; if you brush your teeth right after eating those foods, you actually increase the likelihood of damaging your enamel. The foods which have the highest impact are citrus ones.

However, if you wait for 30 minutes or more post-meal, your saliva will naturally eliminate the food acid in your mouth and the tooth enamel will return to its natural strong texture.


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