10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health

By The Captain April 21, 2021

10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health 1

Washing your hair daily

The first (and most important) step of maintaining good personal hygiene is to wash all body parts correctly. But does that really mean we must wash every body part twice a day?

Gladly, nope.

In fact, our locks are better off without shampoo and conditioner, at least for a couple of day. Why?

Well, your hair naturally produces a special type of oil that protects the scalp and the hair strands. Every time you wash your hair, all those oil disappear, leaving your locks exposed. Washing your hair daily can lead to a dry scalp and broken hair ends, even if you’re also using other hair care products afterwards!

Note that even washing your hair daily shouldn’t lead to excessive hair loss. If you’re dealing with this problem right now, here are some expert-recommended signs and treatments.


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Wellness Captain