10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health

By The Captain April 21, 2021

10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health 1

Bubble baths

What’s better than ending the day surrounded by scented bubbles and hot water?

Well, it could be many things since these relaxing sessions aren’t exactly healthy, especially for the ladies!

According to Jen Gunter, MD, many bubble-making products can contain fragrances and detergents which easily irritate sensitive skin. Furthermore, some substances found in those pretty bubbles can destroy the pH balance of your reproductive organs, possibly leading to yeast infections.

However, this doesn’t mean you should give up on spoiling yourself! You can replace those bubbles with a nice glass of wine to double the pleasure; here’s our top 3 healthiest types of wine (recommended by dietitians).


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