10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health

By The Captain April 21, 2021

10 ‘Good’ Hygiene Habits That Can Destroy Your Health 1


For the past few years, scrubs have taken over the beauty industry – and for good reason. Numerous studies have already proved that exfoliating regularly can clean your skin pores much better than simply using water and soap.

As with many other things in life, though, excessive exfoliation can do more harm than good.

Experts from the Dermatology Alliance point out that our skin is naturally covered by a protective layer of oils; these natural oils act as a barrier against harmful bacteria, viruses and dirt found in the surrounding environment.

Now, every time you exfoliate your skin, you’re not just eliminating dirt, but also those much-needed protective oils. Excessive exfoliation will make your skin glands produce more and more oils as it tries to keep your pores safe and healthy; the result? A skin that’s either too dry or too oily and a concerning imbalance in your pH.


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